January 5, 2012

Welcome 2012 -- Pacific Standard Time

I've been reading up on several of my friends' blogs their thoughts and feelings of the passing of 2011 and the arrival of 2012. Some things really resonated with me in their musings so I thought I should return (or pay forward) the service.

2011 was a long year, one that required a lot of attention. In my world it took on the character of a really great roller coaster ride: lots of build-up, some really harsh, hard turns, some steep learning curves followed by unexpected-but-anticipated stomach-dropping surprises. Some events quite literally took my breath away and all I could do was to catch my breath and hold the hell on. In a way, I am still trying to regulate my breathing. Luckily I have some solid comrades who are grinning just as madly whilst wondering how the hell they too survived 2011, as friends do when spilling off a thrilling ride.

As much as I try to recount the areas I have grown and what I'm taking away from this year, really it boils down to one thing: one foot after the other. That is it.

Instead, and before the first day week of 2012 is over (gah! Now I have to hurry!) I'm going to give you my best bests of the Internet, six of the blogs that I've gone back to, read the back stories of, chewed upon and commented ad nauseum. No badges, no honours, just a firm place in my heart and the knowledge that you've moved me and helped me to place one foot in front of the other. Which is sometimes all, really, any of us can do, no matter what life throws our way:

Wife (Widow) of a Wounded Marine
Lucid Lotus Life
Seeking Elevation
Buggin' World
Chicago Chronicles
Making Peace with the Wrong Side of 40

I'm sitting here laughing because as soon as I started linking this list, I thought of a gazillion other blogs I want to tell you about. So I guess this is going to become a little series ... I have my favourite photographers, my favourite crafters, my favourite writing sites (here) and (here) -- I couldn't resist!

But sometimes more than enough is already enough. So I'm leaving you with these six, six sites I consider to be a part of the community I've joined on the wacky weird web. And folks? It really is, worldwide.


  1. Dude, I am lucky to be in your tribe:)

  2. awesome, look forward to reading all these new blogs!

  3. Awesome! I love discovering new blogs and writing worth reading. My big blog discovery of the past year was BandBackTogether so people, head over there, too, and click that big beautiful button on the side!

  4. I'm honored. And psyched to have other blogs to follow!

  5. So ya. JC. You better get writing.
