April 25, 2019

Plucking the Tulips

It is always strange to watch from our big window as a woman, and it is always a random woman, looks into our yard, and then stoops to pluck one of the six tulips that bloom near the sidewalk, imagining no one is watching. Of course it is rather funny that someone is always at the front window when the offence occurs.
I would understand and not feel badly if they picked the plentiful bluebells at the other end of the patch, but every year we see at least one woman pick at least one of the few tulips in the garden.

We puzzle over it because it is not something we would do. They are not ours and they are not in large supply.. So what compels someone to do such a thing? Six tulips are not a bunch, so removing one is quite significant. And if I am not taking them into my house, what would make someone feel that entitled to have it at theirs?

Anyway, not a big deal, it just puzzles us every year.

Luckily we have a gazillion bluebells to soothe our out-of-joint noses. (Photos to come)

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